
offcolor: The Project

Offcolor: How does it affect us when we perceive people reduced to the color of their skin?

In the photographic portraits of the Offcolor project, we see images of people reduced to the context of their skin color. Clothing and other status symbols which can be removed are left out as far as possible. The viewers are given only minor details about the person depicted in order to form their own picture of the sitters that goes beyond the shown image.

The offcolor project does not grant any group with lighter or darker skin colors a more exclusive right to be perceived. At the same time, the accompanying texts convey the social worlds in which the people depicted move in order to enable the viewer to assess the extent to which privileged status or lack thereof might be determined by the person’s appearance.

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Christoph Künne

Christoph Künne, von Haus aus Kulturwissenschaftler, forscht seit 1991 unabhängig zur Theorie und Praxis der Post-Photography. Er gründete 2002 das Kreativ-Magazin DOCMA zusammen mit Doc Baumann und hat neben unzähligen Artikeln in europäischen Fachmagazinen rund um die Themen Bildbearbeitung, Fotografie und Generative KI über 20 Bücher veröffentlicht.

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